Sims 5 Broken Content
Playing a game can be a very nice and interesting way to spend your free time. However, there always is a risk of interruption. So, when everything goes wrong, you must remember that you can find a good desicion. So, today we would like to present some decisions, which can help you, when you have problems with your favourite game and mods.
Back up your Sims 5 saves
If you want to play your favourite game without any interruption, you must remember that there is one good decision: backup your save game, before you start deleting mods and testing them. So, go to Sims 5 folder and right-click on the folder titled “Saves”. Then paste your saves folder for example on the desktop.
Test your Sims 5 game without any mods
Test your game without any mods – this is one more decision, which you can make. So, you must go to mods folder and right-click it. Make a copy of it on your desktop. After that, delete the copy in your Sims 5 folder; restart game and play it a few minutes. If everything goes OK (without crashing or errors), it means, that there was a problem of mods.
Delete Sims 5 script mods
One more decision, which you can do, is to delete script mods. We must remember that script mods are changing very often. So, it can be reason of errors or crashing. So, if you will play your games without these mods, you can avoid errors or crashing.
Delete recently added Sims 5 mods
If the errors or crashing begins after the last mod you’ve downloaded, then it can be a reason. So, let‘s delete recently added mods and see what‘s happen: if everything goes OK, it means that recently added mods were the reason or errors.
The 50/50 Method
Sometimes you can use this method. It is very simple: make a new folder on your desktop and take half of the items you have in folder of mods. Then test your game. If you won‘t see errors or crashing it means, that the problem is in other batch of mods. So, just find it.
So, as you can see, there are many ways to avoid errors or crashing or your game. So, let‘s try it.